I am seeking a pastoral position at a Bible-saturated Christ-centered church. My aim is to be a ministry partner with the elders of the church, using the unique gifts and graces that God has given me to complement the mission and vision of the local church in proclaiming the hope of Jesus Christ both locally and globally. Primary ministry interests include:
Expositional Preaching
Biblical Counseling
Adult Discipleship
Missional Community Groups
Leadership Development
Exegetical/Expositional Preaching
Leadership Development
Pastoral Counseling
Sermon Links:
Lead Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Waverly, IA
August 2018 – January 2020
Expositional Bible preaching and teaching weekly.
Elder and Deacon leadership development.
Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.
Preached through 1 Peter, Ruth, and Matthew 1-6, and 2 Advent series.
Associate Director for Media Ministries
Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, MN
May 2008 - July 2018
Developed leaders and volunteers for purpose-designed systems for a variety of ministry A/V situations.
Provide oversight for Audio, video, and lighting equipment and volunteers at our two campuses and one portable venue.
Developed and implement systems and procedures for worship services and event productions
Pastoral Intern, Lakewood Evangelical Free Church
January 2007 – June 2007
Six month intensive internship with the pastors of Lakewood Evangelical Free Church
Assisted in planning and participation of weddings, funerals, elder meetings, pastoral staff meetings, counseling,
Bethlehem College & Seminary, Minneapolis, MN
Master of Arts in Biblical and Pastoral Studies
Graduated May 2017
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Crown College, St. Bonifacious, MN
Graduated February 2011 Magna Cum Laude
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Other Education:
Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries Track 1, 2, & 3
Center For Church Based Training Leadership series. (2 Semesters)
Men’s Fraternity Years 1-3
Three progressive Marriage Retreats developed by the pastoral staff of Lakewood Evangelical Free Church
Peacemaker Ministries Christian Conciliation Coaching training
Various conferences on family ministry and biblical counseling
Arcing the Word of God (Biblical Exegesis)